Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Performance Index™ System

Collection by Ashutosh, from -

The Performance Index is much more than just software. It's a way to work that helps managers communicate better with their employees. It gives employees a clear picture of what's expected, and puts the power to succeed firmly in their hands. It's a way for executives to see at a glance how the entire organization is performing, and makes it easier than ever to execute on your strategy.

Performance IndexSee the Whole Organization

You can see at a glance how every single person in the organization is doing, notice trouble spots, and find areas that are truly succeeding. At any point, you can drill down to see not only how any employee is doing, but also what they are working on.

Performance IndexUnderstand Your Priorities

Individual scorecards help every single employee know what they should be working on and how their success will be measured. They also know how to prioritize their work which leads to better decision-making. Everyone in the organization can finally understand how what they do ties in to the organizations goals.

Performance IndexCommunicate Better than Ever

Meeting notes encourage managers to communicate regularly with their team members to make sure everything stays on track. These days, many managers often become too busy to actually do the job of managing. Meeting notes become a quick and easy way to build a relationship, give coaching, and work through problems early.

Create Perfect Alignment to Your Strategy

The Performance Index is the fastest and easiest way to adjust the course of your entire organization. When the organizational goals are set, they quickly flow down to every single employee. Scorecards are tied together throughout the company, and once scorecards are set, you'll see employee behaviour change right away.

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