Tuesday, December 7, 2010


How you say is as important as what you say

1.      Plan for your communication through:-
i)       Examining the purpose
ii)      Decision on what to say
iii)     Visualizing its possible consequences
iv)     Getting all the facts to the extent possible.
v)      Arranging ideas in sequence
2.      Don’t be prejudiced have an open mind, don’t consider your own
          liking as most important.
3.      Select the right media / channels.
4.      Consider the total physical and human setting whenever you
5.      Be positive in your approach or statement.
6.      Be polite and courteous.
7.      Be brief, simple and reasonable and avoid vagueness.
8.      Must remember that people are inquisitive by nature, they
          may talk to others, distort the statements or present in a different way.
9.      Recheck tones as well as basic content of your message while you communicate.
10.    Must develop a system to ensure follow-up of your communication.
11.    Must also develop a system, of feed back to modify your communication if necessary or to judge the reactions after the communication.
12.    Take an opportunity, when it arises, to convey something of help or value to the receiver.
13.    Communicate for today as well as for tomorrow.
14.    Be sure that your actions support your communication.
15.    Seeks not only to be understood but to understand, don’t only talk but listen too. listening is part of communication.
16.    Judge your Body Language all the time. Please note that even if you are not doing anything, you are communicating.

Best of Luck / Ashutosh

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